Wearable App Development Brings Opportunities And Challenges

Wearable App Development Brings Opportunities And Challenges

Wearable devices have garnered extensive popularity in the past few years. The fact that these devices are always with you and offer unmatched availability and convenience accounts for this popularity. Be it fitness, healthcare, travel, or manufacturing, the technology is bringing in transformational changes everywhere. Its benefits are extensive, yet embracing this technology is easier said than done. Businesses that want to embark on this journey have to look for reliable wearable app development services in the first place so that they can power up the devices with mobile applications that have the right features.

It is important to understand that wearable app development has two aspects; while it brings enriching opportunities, there are challenges too. Wearable devices have multiple hardware platforms with low power networking functionalities, yet there are lots of challenges that hinder the development process. At the same time, these very challenges present opportunities to come up with better solutions. Let’s see these opportunities and challenges that an app development company comes across in each aspect of wearable development.

User Interface: The small screen size of these devices is perhaps the biggest issue that developers face because they have to fit the entire elements in there without giving them an overcrowded appearance. Experts use this limitation as an inspiration to bring in smarter alternatives such as using voice-based commands instead of touch-based icons to drive actions. One thing to be kept in mind is that wearables are meant for summarized information and quicker interaction.

User Experience: Besides the UI, the user experience is another factor that influences the usability of a wearable mobile application. The challenging aspects of designing the UX for these devices include designing for varying shapes and sizes, keeping the UI uncluttered, supporting different platforms, and conveying effective messages despite the confinements. Developers are addressing this challenge by opting for hybrid app development framework for creating apps that can run on varied platforms.

Power and Memory Requirements: Like mobile phones, wearables too operate on battery. Since consumers expect the battery life to extend for weeks, even months, developers need to bear this in mind while creating applications. The solution lies in avoiding features that run in the app’s background and drain the battery. Similarly, these apps should consume minimum memory because the devices have limited memory size.

Communication with Companion Device: The very purpose of these applications is to run the wearable devices they are made for. Since Bluetooth is the most widely used communication technology that pairs the app with its companion device, these have to be in close proximity to work. It is necessary to equip the application with a mechanism that backs up the data and transfers it if the device goes out of the Bluetooth range.

Security and Privacy: Since wearables are sometimes used for gathering confidential information (as in finance and healthcare sectors), there is a need to ensure that these applications offer extensive security and privacy features. Developers have devised reliable security mechanisms such as biometric authentication to ensure that only the authorized user is able to access the app.


As wearable devices have penetrated diverse segments, the apps developed to run them need to have varying features that match the specific needs of these segments. This makes the wearable app space a dynamic one, with the need to develop and market them with great agility. There is a need to partner with a service provider that extends expert development services and reliable mobile app marketing services as well.

Mobibiz is a leading mobile app development company that offers a full-range of mobile apps for diverse platforms and technologies. The developer team specializes in creating versatile mobile solutions, with expertise in AR, VR, wearable, IoT, and social media app development.

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