
4 Projects To Beautify and Enhance Your City

Graffiti street art in Camden Town London England United Kingdom photography by Andy Evans Photos

In any community large or small, having the surroundings look beautiful can give everyone living there a greater sense of pride. It has become more difficult for many people to establish close relationships with those living around them. That’s why many cities have embarked on beautification projects as a way to get people working together to improve their communities. If this sounds appealing to you, here are four projects you and others can embark on to beautify and enhance your city.

Plant Flowers

In any city, there are plenty of medians and other spots here and there that would look great if they contained bright, beautiful flowers. Rather than just let these areas have nothing filing them but grass and weeds, work with others to turn these areas into beautiful flower beds. When you do, everyone who is riding around your city will start to see much more color wherever they go.

Artwork and Murals

If you really want to catch people’s eye when they are out and about, consider working with local artists to paint murals on the sides of local buildings. Becoming a very popular trend, this not only showcases local artistic talent in your city but gives many buildings a unique look that may garner your city’s national attention.

Pave the Streets

If there is one thing that can make a city look downtrodden, it is streets that have not been paved to look their best. To solve this problem, try using pavement surface coatings to spruce up bike lanes and other areas of local streets. In fact, these surface coatings can be used on bridge decks, parking lots, or almost anywhere else. Whether they are for decorative purposes or used to bring an added level of safety for drivers and others, pavement surface coatings will make their mark immediately.

Add Recycling Stations

Finally, try adding recycling stations in areas where people congregate. This can include local parks, along sidewalks, at your city library, and around your city’s business district. If you want, you can use those same artists who created the beautiful murals to paint the recycling containers with bright colors and designs. By making the recycling stations easy for people to notice, chances are more residents will decide to recycle those plastic bottles and other items, instead of tossing them in the trash or onto the streets.


Once you get together with local officials and other like-minded residents and start some or all of these beautification projects, you will soon have a city that has been transformed into an area that has everyone in awe over its beauty.

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