
4 Signs Your Child May Need A Tooth Extraction Immediately

Every child has two sets of teeth with the baby teeth coming in first, which are gradually replaced by their adult teeth over several years as they grow up. Mostly, this process is natural and requires minimal dental interference except for six-month checkups and teeth cleaning. However, there are situations where a child’s tooth may need an immediate tooth extraction.

Loose tooth

By the age of six or seven, most kids are starting to lose their baby teeth. This is generally painless and trauma-free. There may be a little bit of bleeding but not much. However, if a tooth becomes loose and does not come out on its own, you might want to have the dentist pull it, so the constant wiggling doesn’t distract kids at school or while playing and eating. A family dentist who works with children can easily and safely remove the tooth to make way for the adult tooth that will follow.

Damaged tooth

Children’s teeth that are accidentally knocked out can sometimes be saved with an emergency visit to the dentist for treatment. But a badly damaged tooth that breaks in pieces might have to come out to prevent gum damage or discomfort. Call the dentist’s office to describe the situation and see what they recommend. It is likely the tooth will need to be extracted to avoid further complications.


A decayed tooth or one with cavities may be susceptible to infection, which can come from various sources. The delicate mucous membranes in the mouth are known to harbor bacteria that can cause infection. Left untreated, a tooth infection can spread through the circulatory system and become more severe as it moves through the body. A serious infection may require antibiotic treatment or even hospitalization in extreme cases. If your child complains of tooth pain or has a known dental injury, becomes lethargic, and runs a temperature, contact the dentist about the need to extract the infected tooth.


Some children’s teeth grow in awkwardly and out of position. They can grind against another tooth or become twisted in a way that can lead to problems. Occasionally, a tooth might grow in an odd place, such as out of the top palate or in another area of the gum. They are unsightly as well as possibly painful. These teeth will need to be removed to prevent further problems.

The extraction of baby teeth is not usually complicated. Let your dentist know if you have concerns about any of your children’s teeth.

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