
When Should You Make A Car Accident Claim Through Your Insurance

Car accidents are not uncommon. Many people experience traffic collisions that range from a minor fender bender to one or more totaled vehicles. Some drivers prefer to not get their insurance company involved, as they worry about increased auto policy premiums after reporting an accident. But there are times when it is advisable or necessary to file an accident claim through your car insurance policy.

Personal Injury

If someone gets hurt in a car crash, it is important to file an accident claim with your car insurance provider soon after the event. You may first want to collect medical information about any injuries you have sustained as well as a copy of the police accident report. Missing work or having other life circumstances impacted by the car crash should likewise be documented. Collect that information as it becomes available to support your claim.

Property Damage

Hitting someone’s mailbox might lead to an agreement for you to pay for a repair or a replacement without filing a claim. More significant property damage, such as running into a property fence or hitting a tree in someone’s yard will likely require a claim to be filed so the damage can be assessed objectively and paid for responsibly. Your insurance agent can explain how to get the required information to file a claim.

Extensive Auto Repairs

A car collision that leaves a vehicle inoperable means that the repair costs will be high. This is another type of damage that many people will file an insurance claim for. Depending on the make and model of your vehicle and the extent of the damage to the body and the engine, the repairs might cost thousands of dollars. You might also need to use a rental vehicle while your car is being fixed. An insurance claim should include all costs stemming from the accident that impacts your car and other modes of transportation.

Totaled Vehicle

Car accident claims require that the vehicle be inspected by an insurance agent. The assessment may determine that the repairs your vehicle will need are more than what your auto policy covers. If so, your car will be considered a total loss, and the insurer will usually offer a set amount to cover the current value of the vehicle. You will then sign over the car to the insurance company in return for their payment.

Filing a car accident claim should be done soon after the damage occurs. Gather as much information about the accident and the damage as you can to prepare a detailed and accurate claim.

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