
Biometric Identification: Important Challenges For The Future

At the dawn of the digital revolution, biometrics is seen as a great innovation in the identification and authentication of individuals. Indeed, it allows to recognize them through biological or behavioral characteristics that are own unique to them. Given the growing awareness of this device, it is essential to know the benefits it offers for the world of tomorrow.

General Information on Biometrics

The development of the use of biometrics has allowed the reliable identification of people according to various specific processes. In particular, the method that requires physical contact via fingerprints or facial features, and that which uses the individual’s gestures such as his voice, his manner of signing and typing on a computer keyboard.

Moreover, the biometrics focal areas  are varied. It is generally used by many countries in the public sector mainly in military sites, judicial institutions and airports, but the increased security needs of the private sector are being felt. Businesses and individuals are increasingly beginning to use this practical identification system in their workplaces and banking transactions.

Guarantees provided by Biometric Techniques

This new method of identifying people has significant advantages. On one hand, it controls accurately and with certainty if a person is really what he claims to be and on the other hand,it confirms the identity of the latter. Then it performs a comparison of the biometric data of the person with those collected in the secure database. Furthermore, the operation of this system is automatic, verification and authentication of the identity are not binding.

Biometric identification is a guarantee of total security for both people and their property. The usurpers are easily spotted, and embezzlement avoided. Indeed, biometrics makes it possible to control people’s access to premises or to confidential information. It even allows to follow their movements from one country to another. It decreases also the risks of identity theft, cybercrime and terrorism.

Issuing Identity Documents in Secure Biometric Version

The passport and driver’s license are among the first official documents that have been screened for biometrics. Their new version has optimal security features so that their owners’ data is tamper-proof and be inviolable.

Thus, biometric identification meets the needs of both practical and efficient security solutions. For its implementation, it is advisable to use companies specialized in the field as Semlex whose CEO is Albert Karaziwan. IT has introduced the system network biometric, better known by the abbreviation BNS.

The Semlex group is made up of entities abroad. Albert Karaziwan and his team have already worked with many countries by providing reliable identification systems. It also works for the biometric security of official identity documents.

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